Public Foundation «Foundation of Presidential Initiatives «Dara»

Foundation of Presidential Initiatives «Dara»

Our Mission:

The Foundation facilitates the implementation of presidential initiatives by engaging and supporting through its activities citizens of the country aspiring to realize their potential for the nation's development.

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Our values:

  1. Public Significance and Effectiveness:

    We value projects that have a real positive impact on society and citizens, contributing to the improvement of their lives and well-being.

  2. Openness and Accountability:

    We adhere to transparency in our activities, ensuring honest and responsible management of resources and projects.

  3. Trust and Collaboration:

    We place great importance on fostering trust in our work. We value an atmosphere of cooperation and support in which we can advance our mission and objectives.

  4. Sustainability and Professionalism:

    We adhere to sustainable practices and strive for high professionalism in the implementation of our projects.

Strategic Directions:

Promoting the Cultural Heritage of Kazakhstan

We pride of our history and traditions and believe that they can inspire modern society towards ambitious development. The President stresses the importance of comprehensive promotion of Kazakhstan's cultural heritage. Our foundation is dedicated to promoting the diverse culture of the nation, which has withstood the test of time and passed down to future generations. Through our projects, we enable people to discover the richness of Kazakhstani culture. We believe that knowledge and understanding of our cultural heritage contribute to strengthening of the national identity of Kazakhstani citizens.

Fostering Conscious Citizenship among Kazakhstani Citizens

The Head of State is convinced that each of us is capable of contributing to building a Just Kazakhstan by consistently following the principles of active patriotism and conscious citizenship, step by step striving for the ideals of 'Honest Citizen' (Adal Azamat). We are confident that strong society is built on responsible citizenship, when each member understands the consequences of their actions on the community and the state. Our foundation organizes educational programs, research, and events that promote informed civic engagement. We support initiatives aimed at enlightening the population about the significance of their civic rights and responsibilities, including involving them in public affairs.

Facilitating the Systematic Development of the Creative Industry in Kazakhstan

The Head of State emphasizes the need to take systematic steps to fully implement the nation's great potential in the creative industry. Our foundation strives to create an environment for growth of the creative industry in Kazakhstan. We initiate and support projects that will make a feasible contribution to the substantial development of the country's creative economy.

Foundation history

  • Public Foundation «Foundation of Presidential Initiatives «Dara» was established on 14 July 2022, to support the development of human capital in line with the vision of the future of Kazakhstan set forth by the President.

  • Our foundation is focused on creating conditions for the prosperity of human potential, as in modern society this resource becomes a key factor of competitiveness, and its potential shapes the future of our nation.

  • The establishment of foundation was in response to the need in the development of society where human capital and its potential play a defining role. We aim at becoming an institution for developing human potential, providing opportunities for our citizens to actively participate in shaping the country's future.

  • We see our role as a bridge between all stakeholders, including governmental institutions, business community, and non-governmental sector representatives.

  • We are confident that our efforts will help to unlock our citizens' potential and contribute to Kazakhstan's long-term prosperity.

Our partners

  • TV and Radio Complex of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • New York Film Academy
  • QazExpoCongress
  • National Institute of Intellectual Property